Pain and Gain: The Rock’s Workout to Get BIGGER
Pain and Gain: The Rock’s Workout to Get BIGGER
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Posted in: Audience Contribution, Workout Suggestions. Tagged: Celebrity Workout, Mark Wahlberg, Pain and Gain, The Rock.
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We already know that The Rock is big as hell. His movie and wrestling careers have achieved more success than anyone could ever dream of. He has done non-action movies at his size and it is remarkable.
Pain and Gain: Coming to theaters soon is his new movie where he teams up with Mark Wahlberg to play a couple of bodybuilders.
What did The Rock do to get even BIGGER?
Well, according to, The Rock went through 150 days of natural cleansing without cheating once. His reward:
Round One: 12 pancakes
Round Two: 4 double dough pepperoni pizzas
Round Three: 21 brownies with a huge mug of milk
Holy crap. That sounds like the greatest meal, but I would not go 150 days without junk just to eat all that.
Okay, back to his workout routine. The Rock maintained a 7-day workout plan that went as followed:
Monday – Shoulder
Tuesday -Back
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Legs
Friday – Arms
Saturday – Chest
Sunday – Off
Compared to Wahlberg, this is your more traditional split, targeting one body part in each gym session. The days of rest are spread apart during the week. This would be an ideal beginners split for any newbie that is looking to mimic a celebrity as big as The Rock.
While this workout routine may seem like a lot to do, I have done splits, such as this one, and have been out of the gym within an hour or a little more. It does not take a very long time to finish five or six exercises.
What do you think of this routine?
Exercise Sets Reps
Machine Press 3 21
Dumbbell Lateral Raise superset w/ Front Dumbbell Raise 3 8
Cable Bent Over Reverse Flye 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Hammer Strength Shrug 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
4-Way Neck Machine 4 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Close Grip Lat Pull Down 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
One Arm Machine Row 4 12
Hyperextension 4 15, 15, 12, 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Press 4 25, 20, 18, 16
Smith Machine Lunge 4 8
Leg Curl 4 12, 10, 8, 6
Standing Calf Raise 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Curl 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Machine Curl 6 12, 10, 8, 6, 21, 21
Cable Tricep Extension 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 20
Overhead Cable Tricep Extension 4 12, 10, 8, 20
One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Tricep Extension 2 15
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Press 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Dumbbell Bench Press 5 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Cable Crossover (super set with Push Ups) 4 12
Push Up 4 15
Note: 21 rep sets are “bicep 21′s”. Perform 7 upper half reps, 7 lower half reps, and 7 full reps.
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