How do you keep your New Year’s Resolution?

We have all been there. The New Year is quickly approaching and we did not even start on last year’s resolution to event think of starting on this year’s New Year’s Resolution to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle.
So should we bother trying this year if we know that last year’s was a failure? The answer to this question should not even be up for discussion.
The answer should have to be yes, regardless of previous results, but the hardest part of this is finding a workout or schedule that works for you.
In “Easing into fitness in new year,” Sentinel reporter Jessica D’Amico spoke with local health and fitness experts to discuss what someone needs to maintain their New Year’s resolution.

Walking is one of the best ways that we do not realize that we workout out while producing results (Courtesy of The Huffington Post)
According to Dr. Felicia Stoler, a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist and member of the New Jersey Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, it is all about setting realistic goals for yourself. She believes that a person with unrealistic goals is the person that is going to quit or get burned out.
While the goals are an important part of anyone’s resolution, the workout and how they play to achieve their goals is just as important.
The experts cited in the article, Stoler and Greg LeBlanc, a professor in the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at Middlesex County College, both agreed that starting slowly will generate the best results in the long run.
It could be as simple as walking for 20 minutes a day that could start the road to a healthier you.
“If you could take a five-minute walk every hour during an eight-hour day, you could accumulate 40 minutes of activity by the end of the day,” Stoler said.
This is a way to jump start your fitness at work, but what about outside of work? Do you need to sign up for a gym or is there ways that you could achieve your goals without a monthly fee?
While there are ways to do it on your own, these experts recommend using a local gym, such as Retro Fitness.
These gyms have trained employees that will help keep you accountable and help you learn how to use the machines properly and safely.
“The hardest part is taking that first step … walking through the door,” said John Douress, regional manager of Retro Fitness locations in Howell and Jackson.
That statement sums up the biggest goal for everyone. It is not about obtaining perfect health, but more about walking into a gym and starting your path to better health.
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